All Schools in CISVA (Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver Archdiocese) have a process for admitting students. As part of this process, the Principal and a member of the Education Committee shall meet each new family. From the interview and the information available to them, the Principal will decide if the school can meet the needs of the student and if the family and student can meet the requirements of the school. For purposes of this policy, “practicing Catholics” shall mean those individuals who are registered in a parish and attend Mass weekly on the Lord’s Day.

Priorities for admission into the elementary school shall be: - Children presently enrolled in the school if they and their families meet the expectations of the school. - Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practicing Catholics and are active in the parish. - Children whose families are practicing Catholics and active in the parish - Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practicing Catholics and are active in other parishes. - Children whose families are practicing Catholics coming into the parish, who have been attending schools elsewhere. - Children whose parents are practicing Catholics and are active in other parishes. - Children whose families are either not practicing Catholics or not active in their parishes. - Non-Catholics. Once accepted into our school, non-Catholics need to meet only the criteria expected of other students to be re-admitted to subsequent years. Siblings of non-Catholics cannot be given priority over Catholics.

If you are interested in enrolling your child(ren) at St. Anthony of Padua School, please download a Request For Application Form and send a completed form to the school office.